*Google the closest Emergency Room and/or Urgent Care Center at your destination. Print out the address, phone number and directions. Is there a Doctor or Medical Staff on site at the Resort where you are staying? How much will it cost to visit the medical center on the ship? Do they accept your insurance?
*Know your medical coverage. Check whether your insurance pays for Urgent Care visits and out of town Doctors appointments. Be sure to carry your card with you at all times!
*Make a list of Primary Care Doctors names and contact information for each family member. Also include a list of any prescription and over the counter medications they are currently taking, any medical conditions such as Diabetes or High Blood Pressure and vaccination records. (Especially if traveling outside the US.)
*Place all the above information in an envelope you can carry in a purse or knapsack for easy accessibility. OR make a PDF of all the information on a flash drive!
*Be sure to pack the Policy # and 24 Hour Assistance phone number for your Travel Insurance! You never PLAN for something to happen, but it is there for you if and when you need it.
*Pack a soft insulated cooler or tote with healthy snacks and drinks. You can even make sandwiches ahead of time and have a picnic lunch! Pack things like fruit and peanut butter, pretzels and cheese and protein bars. Stay hydrated with water and avoid soda and sugary drinks.
*If traveling by car, stop every 2-3 hours to get out and walk. This will the kids a chance to run around and be crazy for a few minutes! If you cannot stop that often, move and stretch in your seat every hour. Especially stretch your legs and feet to improve blood flow. If you are on a long flight, get up and walk the aisle every hour. Stretch in your seat too! (without annoying your seat mates!)
*ENJOY! But don't OVERDO! When you are on vacation, you want to try it all and do it all and see it all! Be prepared to deal with the consequences of over-indulgence and/or over-exertion. Pack over the counter remedies for diarrhea, heartburn and any other digestive maladies you can think of! Also bring along ibuprofen or acetaminophen for muscle or head aches. If you use Essential Oils, you can bring along your oils in a carrying case so they do not break. You can purchase small, portable Diffusers that run on batteries to bring along. Diffuse in you hotel room or cabin!
*DON'T FORGET THE SUNSCREEN! Even if you are going to the Mountains in Winter, you can get a sunburn and be miserable on your vacation. Be sure EVERYONE wears at least a 30 SPF on all exposed skin. Reapply every 2 hours (more often if swimming!) and wear a hat of you are especially sensitive.
*TRY to stick to a sleep schedule. It can be really hard to do this, especially if you are visiting a place like Disney. If you have young children, maybe work in a nap during the day to offset the late activities. If you are traveling between time zones, set your watch and phone to the new time as soon as you arrive. Try not to nap when you arrive, but turn in early instead to help reset your body clock.
*Is it a true emergency? Know when to call in the professionals. A cut that won't stop bleeding or vomiting and diarrhea that just won't quit....this is a good time to visit the doctor. Better to take a few hours out of your day to get checked out than to miss several days of your trip.
*WASH YOUR HANDS!!! OFTEN!! I can't say this enough! Soap and water is best but alcohol-based hand sanitizer works if you can't get to a sink. Be especially diligent after coming in contact with airplane bathrooms, light switches, anything with a touch-screen and anything else germy!
SOOOOOO, what SHOULD you pack then?? Here is a list to get you thinking about what to bring:
*Over the counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
*Heartburn relief, nausea remedy, antacids and diarrhea medicines are a must have, especially if traveling to foreign countries.
*Antihistamines such as diphenhydramine for any suspect allergic reactions.
*Motion sickness medicines such as meclizine or the bands that apply pressure around your wrist. There are even some homeopathic remedies out there!
*Decongestants in case the sniffles wants to sneak in.
*Adhesive bandages, or a small First Aid kit with bandages and antibiotic ointment in it.
*Alcohol-based hand-sanitizer gel and/or wipes.
*Hydro-cortisone cream for strange itchy rashes and bug bites.
*Ear thermometer if you have young children traveling with you.
*All Prescription medicines you are taking. Try to keep them in the original bottles so you have the Pharmacy contact information if needed.
*TECH savvy? Here are a few APPS you might want to download to your smartphone to help you before and during your vacation:
*WAZE: offers real-time user-generated updates on traffic jams and accidents.
*AroundMe: alerts you to the closest restaurants, gas stations, ATM's, pharmacies and hospitals.
*GateGuru: lets you know what restaurants and services are near your airport gate.
*American Red Cross First Aid: step-by-step instructions for various first- aid issues. This app also connects you to local EMS if needed!
Each vacation and destination is different, so use your best judgement when packing for your family and yourself. YOU ARE READY TO GO! Happy Travels!!